英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 14:24:57
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1. 故宫:默多克)和出生在中国的妻子邓文迪(Wendi)最近签下协议,将在中国最独特的街道──故宫(Forbidden City)护城河的东边购买一处四合院. 梅铎证实今年就一处未完工的房产进行过商谈,但表示还没有购买,并拒绝置评. 房地产中介称,

2. (北京)故宫:10.北京故宫(Forbidden City) 入选理由:故宫博物院是在明、清两代皇宫基础上建立起来的综合性博物院,是中国传统文化巅峰成就的集大 成者. 故宫布局谨严,寸砖片瓦皆遵循着封建等级礼制,映现帝王至高无上的权威. 不到故宫,等于没来过中 国.

3. 是故 宫:我们被带到了一个存储东西的地下室一样的房间,虽然里面的设施是完善的,但是厕所的门关不好,每一样东西看起来都好像是故宫(Forbidden City)里的东西. 我不会说它不干净,但是房间很让人失望. 好的是离王府井地铁站(Wang Fu Jing metro)很近,

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  • Lhasa拉萨(中国西部城市名)...
  • Lassa[医]拉沙热
The Forbidden City is divided into two parts.(紫禁城分为两个部分。)
Christopher Allen from Britain said, "I begin to love its history and culture." The Forbidden City is becoming more open and friendly to visitors.(来自英国的克里斯托弗·艾伦说:“我开始喜欢它的历史和文化。”故宫对游客越来越开放和友好。)
He made it into the Forbidden City then Pu Yi was evicted.(他进了紫禁城。可是溥仪被赶出了紫禁城。)
A What did you think of the Forbidden City?(A你认为故宫怎么样?)
Laura: Uncle Ben, how did the Forbidden City get this name?(罗拉:本叔叔,紫禁城这个名字是怎么来的啊?)
B To the Forbidden City.(B我去故宫。)
I really learned a lot about the Chinese culture and its history from this trip to The Forbidden City.(通过这次去故宫的旅行,我真的学到了很多关于中国文化和历史的知识。)
Laura: Uncle Ben. When was the Forbidden City built?(罗拉:本叔叔,紫禁城什么时候建成的啊?)
The Forbidden City attracts a constant stream of visitors every day, especially during national holidays.(故宫每天都吸引源源不断的游客来观光旅游,尤其是在国庆假期期间。)
Right now The Forbidden City is known as a historical site for tourists from all over the world.(现在,紫禁城被世界各地的游客称为一个历史遗址。)
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